Alain began his career as a police officer at the age of 16, the youngest officer on the Dutch police force. After eight years of brutal and desensitizing experiences, Alain resigned from the force and embarked on a life-changing journey: he traveled the world in an attempt to reconcile his desire for compassion and justice with the violent, divisive things he’d experienced as a police officer. As a speaker, Alain shares on his background as a law enforcement officer and how he transformed his purpose from "serving and protecting" to "healing and connecting’, discussing solutions in service to the healing of the broken relationship between law-enforcement and communities.
Alain works within the criminal justice and law enforcement space as a speaker and facilitator to help heal the “us-them” mentality that has become so rampant and entrenched in American culture today.
Acción Interna improves the quality of life of the prison population, recently released inmates and those in vulnerable conditions in Colombia, generating opportunities for reconciliation and re-socialization, through the development of their abilities and the generation of socially and economically sustainable productive projects.
Alain facilitated multiple workshops at La Modelo, the highest security prison in Bogota. With a population of 11,000 inmates, the facility is known for its violence. The prison's north wing is filled with left-wing rebels while the south wing is filled with right-wing government supporters and FARC paramilitaries.
Alain facilitated multiple workshops at El Buen Pastor, the biggest and most infamous women's prisons in Colombia's capital of Bogota.The prison houses about 55,000 inmates, convicted or waiting trial for crimes and is known for it’s notoriously harsh conditions and corruption.
HealthRIGHT 360 is a restorative justice organization that gives hope, builds health, and changes lives for people in need by providing compassionate, integrated care that includes primary medical, mental health, substance use disorder treatment and re-entry services.
Alain is a facilitator for a women’s in-prison behavioral health program delivering an 8-week immersive experience incorporating mindfulness practices, dynamic group coaching and practical tools for re-entry into society.
CDCR’s mission is to help offenders leave prison with better job and career skills, education, life skills, and confidence so they can succeed in their futures despite past obstacles. To accomplish this, DRP provides numerous rehabilitative programs and services to prison inmates.
Alain is an educator in CDCR’s recidivism program providing inmates with emotional support and group coaching as they prepare for re-entry into society.